Alzheimer's Disease

The three subtypes of Alzheimer's disease

In his book The End of Alzheimer’s, Dr Bredesen explains that there are three major subtypes or categories of Alzheimer’s, and identifying the one the patient is dealing with can help implement a personalised program.

1) Inflammatory (hot) subtype

The inflammatory (hot) subtype is characterized by an up-regulated immune system, which can increase inflammation and the risk of cardiovascular disease, insulin resistance, arthritis, and the 'hot' subtype of Alzheimer's disease.⠀

2) Atrophic (cold) subtype

The atrophic (cold) subtype is associated with reduced support from hormones – thyroid (T3), adrenal (cortisol), sex hormones (oestrogen, progesterone, testosterone) – and Vitamin D. It is often accompanied by increased homocysteine and insulin resistance.

3) Toxic (vile) subtype

The toxic (vile) subtype is characterised by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA) dysfunction, metal toxicity (mercury, lead or iron), high homocysteine and low zinc (and elevated copper) and chronic inflammatory response syndrome (CIRS) – a reaction to mycotoxins (found in mould).

Lifecode Gx® reports

Genetic variances can be helpful in considering the different subtypes, as they are based on several genes. Our tests can identify your genetic predispositions and empower you to control through personalised diet and lifestyle actions. Our APOE Report analyses genes that can influence the development of Alzheimer’s including APOE, TNF and IFNG.

The report examines the key genes and variants (SNPs) that can contribute to chronic health conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease and also cardiovascular diseases. It is however very important to always remember that genes are not your destiny and you can manage your risk by positive nutritional and lifestyle interventions.

For more information, please view our free webinar recording on APOE genes.

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